Windows 7 64-bit Chinese - Simplified ISOTechnical information about “Windows 7 64-bit Chinese - Simplified ISO” available from MSDN Subscriber Downloads. Currently, you can find here information about 15 files. If you want to search for a specific file in the “Windows 7 64-bit Chinese - Simplified ISO” section, enter the file name, MSDN code, SHA-1 hash, or any keyword from the title or file description in the field below. File TitleFile SizeRelease Date2GB12 May 20112GB12 May 20112GB12 May 20112GB12 May 20112GB12 May 20111.4GB21 February 20111.91GB16 February 20112GB16 February 20112GB13 November 20092GB27 August 20092GB27 August 20092GB27 August 20092GB24 August 20091.73GB6 August 20092GB6 August 2009.›.›.›.›.›.›. ISO.