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Harta Orasului Timisoara

카테고리 없음

by seenutvermcard1985 2020. 3. 16. 15:10


  1. Harta Orasului Iasi
  2. Timisoara Harta Rutiera
  3. Harta Timisoara Detaliata

Historical image of a streetcar in Timișoara in 1910 On 31 October 1918, local military and political elites established the 'Banat National Council', together with representatives of the region's main ethnic groups:,. On 1 November they proclaimed the short-lived. In the aftermath of World War I, the Banat region was divided between the and the, and Timișoara came under Romanian administration after Serbian occupation between 1918–1919.

The city was ceded from Hungary to Romania by the on 4 June 1920. In 1920, King awarded Timișoara the status of a University Centre, and the years saw continuous economic and cultural development. A number of and demonstrations also took place during this time.


During World War II, Timișoara suffered damage from both and bombing raids, especially during the second half of 1944. On 23 August 1944, Romania, which until then was a member of the Axis, declared war on and joined the Allies. Surprised, the local garrison surrendered without a fightand German and Hungarian troops attempted to take the city by force throughout September, without success. After the war, the was proclaimed, and Timișoara underwent Sovietization and later,. The city's population tripled between 1948 and 1992.

In December 1989, Timișoara witnessed a series of mass street protests in what was to become the. On 20 December, three days after bloodshed began there, Timișoara was declared the first city free of Communism in Romania. Geography.

Bega canal at night Timișoara lies at an altitude of 90 metres (300 feet) on the southeast edge of the plain, part of the near the divergence of the and rivers. The waters of the two rivers form a swampy and frequently flooded land. Timișoara developed on one of few places where the swamps could be crossed.

These constituted a natural protection around the fortress for a very long time, however, they also favoured a wet and insalubrious climate, as well as the proliferation of the plague and cholera, which kept the number of inhabitants at a relatively low number and significantly prevented the development of the city. With time, however, the rivers of the area were drained, dammed and diverted. Due to these hydrographical projects undertaken in the 18th century, the city no longer lies on the, but on the. This improvement of the land was made irreversible by building the Bega canal (started in 1728) and by the complete draining of the surrounding marshes. However, the land across the city lies above a water table at a depth of only 0.5 to 5 metres (1.6–16.4 feet), a factor which does not allow the construction of tall buildings. The rich black soil and relatively high water table make this a fertile agricultural region.

This is a relatively active seismic area, and earthquakes up to 6 on the have been recorded. Main article: Climate in this area has mild differences between highs and lows, and there is adequate rainfall year-round.

The subtype for this climate is '. The climate which defines Timișoara city is the temperate (: Cfb) and can be regarded as (Dfb) when using an of 0 °C (32 °F). The city characterises the South-Eastern part of The. Central Timișoara (November 2012) As of data, Timișoara has a population of 319,279, while the proposed would have a population of 418,415.

Harta Orasului Iasi

As defined by, the Timișoara has a population of 359,443 residents (as of 2015 ). Of this population, 86.79% were ethnic, while 5.12% were, 1.37%, 1.3%, 0.69%, 0.18%, 0.17%, 0.11% and 0.76% others. 14.2% of the population are under 15 years of age, 4.0% are over 75. Since 1990, Timișoara saw a slight population decline owing to and a drop in birthrates. Notably, the Hungarian and German communities experienced significant decline, with the latter being reduced by half between 1992 and 2002. On the other hand, the Ukrainian community has grown, partly due to the presence of educational facilities. In recent years, local investment by Italian companies has spurred the creation of an community, even leading to calls for an Italian Cultural Center.

Historical populations In 1910, according to the (based on the first language in daily use), Timișoara had 72,555 inhabitants. Of these, 31,644 (43.6%) used, 28,552 (39.4%) used, 7,566 (10.4%) used, 3,482 (4.8%) used, and 1,311 (1.8%) used other languages as everyday language. Economy The economy of Timișoara has historic tradition in,. Timișoara has been an important economic centre since the 18th century when the administration was installed. Due to Austrian colonisation, ethnic and religious diversity and innovative laws, the economy began to develop. The technicians and craftsmen that settled in the city established guilds and helped develop the city's economy. In 1717, Timișoara became host to the in Banat.

During the, numerous modern innovations were introduced. It was the first city in with street lighting, and the first city in mainland Europe illuminated by electric light. The river was also during this time. It was the first navigable canal on current Romanian territory. This way, Timișoara had contact with Europe, and even with the rest of the world through the Black Sea, leading to the local development of. In the 19th century, the railway system of the reached Timișoara. Regional Business Centre Timișoara was the first city in the country with international routes as the amount of foreign investment, especially in sectors, has risen.

In an article in late 2005, French magazine L'Expansion called Timișoara Romania's economic showcase, and referred to the increased number of foreign investments as a 'second revolution'. In 2016, Timișoara was awarded by as the most dynamic city and the best city for business in Romania. Apart from domestic local investment, there has been significant foreign investment from the, particularly from Germany and Italy. Has produced tires since opening a plant in 1998. In the years that followed, Continental also established an automotive software engineering division in Timișoara. All in all, as of 2015 employed about 8000 people in Timișoara, and the company keeps expanding.

The produces technical gases, and a part of the wiring moulds for and vehicles are produced by the company. Wiring for Volkswagen and other vehicles are produced at the German company Kromberg & Schubert. Also, company FM Logistic, already present in for, and in Bucharest for, and, and for companies like PROFI Rom Foods, or SCA Packaging—offering them domestic transport services and international transport services for, or Contitech, the growth of FM Logistic in Romania and in Dudești through its first warehouse in Romania ( gives FM the opportunity). Produces waffles here. The city has two shopping malls:. A third one will be completed in 2018, Timișoara Centrum. A fourth is planned to be built, Timișoara Plaza.

The USA company maintains a workplace in the west of the city for the production of mobile telephony and government inspection department devices. In 2009, the company laid off 640 workers. The American company manufactures washing and cleaning agents in Timișoara.

Timisoara Harta Rutiera

—the world's largest pork processor and hog producer—has two subsidiaries in Timișoara and Timiș County: Smithfield Ferme and Smithfield Prod. Transport. Main article: Timișoara's public transport network consists of 9 lines, 9 lines and 21 bus lines and it is operated by STPT (Societatea de Transport Public Timișoara), a company owned by the City Hall. The system covers all the important areas of the city and it also connects Timișoara with some of the communes of the metropolitan area. In 2015, Timișoara became the first city in Romania to offer public transport by bike. The has 25 stations and 300 bikes which can be used by locals and tourists for free.

Starting from 2016, STPT also offers public transport on the Bega canal, resulting in Timișoara being the only city in Romania with 5 types of public transportation. Road Timișoara is on two European routes ( and ) in the. At a, Timișoara is located on four different national roads:, DN69, DN59 and DN59A. The, under construction on some sections, will link the city with and the eastern part of the country. The A1 is currently the only Romanian motorway that crosses a border, linking Timișoara with. The Timișoara Coach Station ( Autogara) is used by several private transport companies to provide connections from Timișoara to a large number of locations from all over the country.

Air The city is served by Romania's third busiest airport, located 12.3 km (7.6 mi) northeast away from the city centre. It used to be the hub of Romanian airline, and it serves now as an operating base for low-cost airline. Railway Timișoara is a major railway centre and is connected to all other major Romanian cities, as well as local destinations, through the national network. Timișoara is directly linked by train service with,. The main railway station of the city is. More than 130 trains use this station daily. The other three railway stations of the city are mainly used by commuter trains.

Cityscape. Currently, the tallest building is the, at 91 metres (299 feet) and the tallest office building is the, at 65 metres (213 feet). Other tall buildings, over 60 metres (200 feet), include: Asirom Financial Centre, Bosch Center, Continental Hotel and United Business Center 2. Another proposed building, the United Business Center 0, should be completed by the end of 2017 and will be part of the mixed use urban regeneration project: Openville. When completed, the building will have a height of 155 metres (509 feet) becoming the tallest building in Romania.

Government. Administrative Palace, Timiș Prefecture headquarters The first free local elections in post-communist Timișoara took place in 1992. The winner was, of the Civic Alliance Party (PAC), which later merged with the. He was the first officer who spoke to the crowd of revolutionaries gathered in Opera Square. The 1996 elections were won by, of the.

Harta Timisoara Detaliata

He had four terms, also winning elections in 2000, 2004 and 2008. Meanwhile, Ciuhandu took over the Christian Democratic Party and ran for president of Romania in 2004. Timișoara's mayor, elected in 2012 and again in 2016, is. Deputy mayors are Dan Diaconu and Farkas Imre.

Like all other local councils in Romania, the Timișoara local council, the county council and the city's mayor are elected every four years by the population. Decisions are approved and discussed by the ( consiliu local) made up of 27 elected councillors. Local council composition after: Party Seats Current Council 12 9 2 2 1 Adrian Orza (independent) 1 Additionally, as Timișoara is the capital of, the city hosts the palace of the prefecture, the headquarters of the ( consiliu județean) and the, who is appointed by Romania's central government.

The prefect is not allowed to be a member of a, and his role is to represent the national government at the local level, acting as a liaison and facilitating the implementation of National Development Plans and governing programmes at the local level. County council composition after 2016 local elections: Party Seats Current Council 16 14 5 2 Currently, the city is the largest in the, which is equivalent to regions in the and is used by the European Union and the Romanian Government for statistical analysis and regional development. The West development region is not, however, an administrative entity.

Districts. See also: Twin towns – Sister cities Timișoara has 17, as listed below:., Austria., China., France., France., Germany., Germany., Hungary., Italy., Italy., Italy., Italy., Ukraine., Mexico., Serbia., Serbia., England, United Kingdom., Vietnam Consulates. General consulate of. General consulate of. General consultate of. Honorary consulate of.

Honorary consulate of. Honorary consulate of. Honorary consulate of the. Honorary consulate of Gallery.